Start Running Today and Learn to Run
It doesn't matter how old you are...
You train gradually for 6 weeks so you are able to run for 30 minutes!
This running program for beginners will have you running 4 to 5 Kilometers, (depending on your starting activity level).
You will experience the freedom running brings to your life by accomplishing goals and feeling (better)healthier!
This freedom brings you closer to better health by preventing diseases such as, obesity, degenerative maladies, and even cancer. Learning to run gives you the freedom to really know yourself and what your limits are in your life and running.
You can Discover more about yourself following a Learn to Run - Run/Walk Program!

Why start with the run/walk method Learning to run?
- This is the easiest method on how to start running because it's easy to stick to.
- It provides you with the same healthy benefits, if not better, than starting all-out-full-running. Sway from this plan and injuries will be your worst enemy. The run/walk method is gentle and helps prevent injuries.
- The healthiest people are ones who know they are healthy. You could be one of these people by doing the proven run/walk program that actually works and challenges you.
- Learning to Run is challenging, fun and but most of all gratifying and it's great to watch yourself improve! It's a positive activity for your health and fitness so join the crowd and become a runner.
You will receive the whole 6 week program with updates and tips weekly!
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Here's a sneak preview!
This is what all Levels will do before and after run/walking.
- Do warm up and cool down walk. 10min walk to start - 30 min run or run/walk - 10 to 15 min walk after.
- Make sure that you total is at least 40min. This what it will look like. 10min walk - 20min run/walk - 10 to 15 min walk cool down.
- Stretching helps your running program and prevents injury, so don't forget to stretch! You can find the best stretches here!
- Don't be discouraged if you feel really tired...
- If it is really hard to get motivated check the links at the end of this post to help you.
Get psyched and Believe in yourself!
Related Links:
How to Start Running if You Are Out Of Shape?
Run a 5K Race
The Secret to Running for Your Life
How to breath when you run
An Inspiration Video
Keep Up The Great Running!
Contact Gilly