Thursday, August 26, 2010

3 Week 5k Training Plan

3 Week 5K Training Plan

3 Week 5K training plan

Free - 5K Training Plan

 If you sign up today you'll receive a 5K Training program!

Sign Up and Download a Free Schedule!
Click on this link and add your email and first name!
I will never give out your email, I dislike spam just as much as you do!
  • Do have trouble sticking to your own program?
  • Do you find yourself lacking the motivation to get out and run?
  • Do you ever go through cycles with lots of running logged and then, later quit, only to come back and find your fitness is lost?
*Sign up and you'll also receive weekly tips and motivation to keep you going!
Also, you'll receive a Free Report on 
The Biggest Mistakes Beginner Runners Make!
Download A Special Report~The 10 Biggest Mistakes Beginner Runners Make!~Plus~Beginner Running 5K Schedule!


There's more!
This is the first part of the 6-week training for beginners before race day.
Allow at least 6 to 8 weeks before training for a 5K run in 6 weeks, especially if you are new to the beginner training, learn to run program. I hope you enjoy this 3 Week 5K Training Plan and if you need more help contact me!

Training For a 5K - The 3 Week 5K Training Plan

Week 1 – Starting on a Monday Walk or cross-train
Tuesday Run 2.5Km
Wednesday Walk or cross-train
Thursday Run 2.5 Km
Friday Walk or Rest
Saturday Run 3Km/5km
Sunday Rest
This is the first 3 weeks of the beginners training program for a 5K race. Take it slow and easy and remember to rest. Cross training can involve biking, walking or swimming. Anything that keeps you active.
If you haven’t run before you should check with your doctor first and start a Learn to Run Program. Once you have run for at least 3 months this is a great time to begin racing! Races in your area.

Week 2 – Starting on a Monday Walk or cross-train
Tuesday Run 2.5K
Wednesday Walk or cross-train
Thursday Run 3.5 K
Friday Walk or Rest
Saturday Run 4K/5k
Sunday Rest

Week 3 – Starting on a Monday Walk or cross-train
Tuesday Run 3K
Wednesday Walk or cross-train
Thursday Run 4 K
Friday Walk or Rest
Saturday Run 4K/5k
Sunday Rest

Have fun and keep in touch... I’ll be bringing you to the next 3-week section of the 3 Week 5K Training Plan for beginners schedule soon.

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